Fishing: What are the tools and methods of fishing ... How to learn fishing?

Fishing is considered a hobby of hobbies and fun that get wide support among a lot of people, but at the same time need a lot of patience and calm, you will not be able to enjoy the hobby fishing without that you have these qualities. The statistics confirmed that there are approximately 100 million people around the world practicing this hobby, and must novices in the hobby of fishing to know the types of fish and how to catch the different methods and the necessary tools. Ads and the first to know angling wood was ancient Chinese for nearly four thousand years, and then developed the English in the eighteenth century the sport and have created clubs for fishing. In 1939 the first international union to catch fish established the United States of America, and this union was established for the purpose of preserving fish, and recording professionals figures in such sports. Hobby fishing fishing hobbies favored by a lot of people. But what makes this hobby interesting? One of the reasons that a lot of people practicing this hobby is because it is a way to involve the entire family. A person can take all of his family and out into the water and relax, and talk about the things in life while enjoying the pleasure of catching a fish. It is a great way for the correlation between family and friends. Many take advantage of this time to discuss various issues with their sons and daughters and acquaintances or even with themselves, since this hobby provide adequate time away from everyday life and their details and things that distract us, such as cell phones, computers and television, which distracted many. On the other reasons it hobby gives a person psychological calm not to mention that it is an expensive hobby.

 Fishing: Fishing and hunting equipment

  •     1. Notwithstanding the different fishing tools, but they all agree on the basic components, the trachea and the machine and hook the private anglers and thread, and there is no person who can hunt without being a scientist for his hunting tools.
  •     2. You must learn and you submitted your hunt on the first trip to the taste of the very important things in the process of fishing, because the fish will determine from which they intend to fished species, and worms are the most common in fishing worldwide types of bait.
  •     3. Industrial taste resembles natural taste and be made of steel or hair or copper or iron, and this contributes to the bait to help fool the fish, makes hunted down easy.
  •     4. containers carrying fish from a very important tool for the hunter fish, because the container is to help you unload Snartk of fish that you actually catch over the number of hours I spent in the enjoyment of this hobby, or a beautiful profession.
  •     5. device measure water depth is very important device, but have professional fishermen only, because the amateur will not reach their case to measure the depth of water required to see the fish caught.  6. There is a device called sonar, which is very similar to the device used in medicine, here are used by professionals to make it easier for them to know the information that Araduha in these waters in terms of fish species in the type and size, and so on, and is used in major fishing companies.

Fishing Education: Fishing ways

  •     1.Bring rod length of about 3 meters and a machine of the good kind, and a solid thread a length of about 50 cm, and these are the primary tools for beginners fishing.
  •     2. Go to the chosen place for catching fish, and try to learn to throw the hook several times and then watched well over the improved performance to throw the hook into the sea.
  •     3. Try to learn from experts in the field, because you learn from the experts, when practical, even if by tradition will be your chance of absorption faster.
  •     4. Throw the hook to the sea and drag several times and for several other things, most importantly, to give yourself confidence and test the strength of the string and the machine with frequent clouds, hence ensure that sustain a loss of fish when caught Besnartk of the weakness of the thread or the poor quality of the machine type.
  •    5. You must learn a good way to link bait anglers, and make sure that the bait tied to well resist the currents that may be present in the sea.
  •    6. You must have a delicate balance in your hand to know when to pull the hook and when to be patient until the fish swallow the bait

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